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This function can add the specified Chrome extension plug-in to the "Installed Extensions" area. After adding, the browser window that opens the corresponding project will automatically load the extension.

Add Extensions

Roxy Picks

Use this function to add extensions from the Google Store. Find the desired plug-in by category or search in the extension recommendation. Click Download and select the item you want to install. Roxy-Picks

If you can't find it in Roxy Picks, you can use the add google extension function. Copy the extension address in the Google Store, paste it into the input box, and click Save. Add-google-extension

Local Upload Plugin

RoxyBrowser supports uploading plugins locally. Click Local Upload and select the extension package or folder. After selecting, the name and description of the current extension will be parsed. These two items can be modified. After editing, click Upload Plugin.

Extension Settings

When downloading an extension from Roxy Picks, you can specify the corresponding project. For other methods, you need to click the icon corresponding to the associated project column after the extension is successfully downloaded to add it to the project. If you select all projects, the extension will take effect on all profiles in the current workspace. If you select some projects, you can specify that the extension will only take effect on profiles in the selected projects. Assign-Extension-to-Project

Extension Ownership

When assigning a project, you can set the extension to belong to an individual or a team. If it belongs to a team, the plug-in will take effect on all members. This setting can be modified in the extension information. Extension-Ownership

Pin Extension

Click the Pin mark in More Operations to set whether the plug-in is pinned in the browser's pin bar. Pin-Extension

Check For Updates

Click More Actions in the extension information list to check the update status of the current extension. After the check is completed, detailed information will be displayed in the updated information. Check-Update

Remove Extension

Click More Actions in the extension information list to delete the current extension. You can also select multiple extensions to be deleted and click the Delete icon in the toolbar to delete them in batches. After deletion, all window extensions in the associated projects will be removed. Delete-extension