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Roxy provides browser functionality through API calls, enabling users to run their own automation scripts. It can be integrated with automation frameworks like Selenium, Puppeteer and Playwright to achieve browser automation. The API request frequency is limited to 100 calls per minute per endpoint.

How to Use

1.Open Roxy Browser and navigate to the API function
2.Set the API status to Enabled
3.Use the API with the API key and interface host: (50000 is the default port)
The API key can be reset, which will invalidate the previous key. The port number can be modified but requires a software restart to take effect

API Integration Guide

1. Important: All API requests must include a token in the header
2. To obtain the token: Log in to Roxy Browser, go to 【API -> API Configuration -> API Key】 in the left menu
3. API host: ;50000 is the default port, configurable in 【API -> API Configuration -> Port】
4. Before making requests, enable the API switch: 【API -> API Configuration -> Switch】

Browser Health Check

GET /health

1 Request Parameters


2 Response

    "code": 0,         // Status code, 0: Success, 500: Failure, type: int
    "msg": "Success"   // Response message, type: str
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: Success, 500: Failure
msgstringResponse message

Workspace Project API

Get Workspace Project List

GET /browser/workspace

1 Request Parameters

    "page_index": 1,                               // Page index, type: int, optional, default: 1
    "page_size": 15                                // Page size, type: int, optional, default: 15
page_indexNoint1Page index
page_sizeNoint15Page size

2 Response

    "code": 0,                                              // Status code, 0: success, 500: failure, type: int
    "data": {
        "total": 1,                                         // Total count
        "rows": [
                "id": 1,                                    // Workspace ID
                "workspaceName": "feihairui's Workspace",   // Workspace name
                "project_details": [                        // Project details
                        "projectId": 1,                     // Project ID
                        "projectName": "xxProject"          // Project name
    "msg": "success"                                        // Return message, type: str
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: Success, 500: Failed
totalintTotal count
idintWorkspace ID
workspaceNamestringWorkspace name
project_detailsListProject details
projectIdintProject ID
projectNamestringProject name
msgstringResponse message

Get Account List

GET /browser/account?workspaceId=10

1 Request Parameters

    "workspaceId": 1,       // Workspace ID, type: int, required, obtained through workspace API [/browser/workspace]
    "accountId": 1,         // Account library ID, type: int, optional
    "page_index": 1,        // Page index, type: int, optional, default: 1
    "page_size": 15         // Page size, type: int, optional, default: 15
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
workspaceIdYesint--Workspace ID
accountIdNoint1Account library ID
page_indexNoint1Page index
page_sizeNoint15Page size

2 Response

    "code": 0,                                                                  // Status code, 0: success, 500: failed, type: int
    "data": {
        "total": 1,                                                             // Total count
        "rows": [
                "id": 3,                                                        // Account ID
                "platformUrl": "",                       // Platform URL
                "platformUserName": "Roxytest",                                 // Platform username
                "platformPassword": "123456",                                   // Platform password
                "platformEfa": "2F3CD67B6D",                                    // Platform EFA
                "platformCookies": [{"name": "1","value": "2","domain": "3"}],  // Platform cookies
                "platformName": "Roxytest",                                     // Platform name
                "platformRemarks": "Roxytest",                                  // Platform remarks
                "createTime": "2024-10-23 15:45:46",                            // Creation time
                "updateTime": "2024-10-23 15:45:46"                             // Update time
    "msg": "Success"                                                            // Response message, type: str
Field NameData TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: success, 500: failed
msgstringResponse message
totalintTotal count
idintAccount ID
platformUrlstringPlatform URL
platformUserNamestringPlatform username
platformPasswordstringPlatform password
platformEfastringPlatform EFA
platformCookiesobjectPlatform cookies
platformNamestringPlatform name
platformRemarksstringPlatform remarks
createTimestringCreation time
updateTimestringUpdate time

Get Label List

GET /browser/label?workspaceId=10

1 Request Parameters

    "workspaceId": 1       // Workspace ID, type: int, required, obtainable through [/browser/workspace] interface
Parameter NameRequiredTypeDefaultDescription
workspaceIdYesint--Workspace ID

2 Response

    "code": 0,                                                                  // Status code, 0: success, 500: failure, type: int
    "data": [
            "id": 3,                                                           // Tag ID
            "color": "#7558F5",                                                // Tag color
            "name": "roxy test tag"                                            // Tag name
    "msg": "success"                                                           // Response message, type: str
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: success, 500: failure
msgstringResponse message
idintTag ID
colorstringTag color
namestringTag name

Browser Profile Interface

Get Browser Profile List (Batch Support)

GET /browser/list_v2?workspaceId=10

1 Request Parameters

    "workspaceId": 10,                              // Workspace ID, type: int, required, obtain through [/browser/workspace] interface
    "dirIds": "dc1ed4d,2e18ce,yy67yegk",            // Browser Profile IDs, type: str, optional, multiple values separated by commas
    "windowName": "Roxytest",                       // Browser Profile name, type: str, optional
    "sortNums": "11,12",                            // Profile sequence numbers, type: str, optional, multiple values separated by commas
    "os": "Windows",                                // Operating system, type: str, optional
    "projectIds": "10,11",                          // Project IDs, type: str, optional, multiple values separated by commas
    "windowRemark": "Windows",                      // Profile remarks, type: str, optional
    "page_index": 1,                                // Page index, type: int, optional, default: 1
    "page_size": 15                                 // Page size, type: int, optional, default: 15
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
workspaceIdYesint--Workspace ID
dirIdsNostring--Browser Profile ID
windowNameNostring--Browser Profile name
sortNumsNostring--Profile number
osNostring--Operating system
projectIdsNostring--Project ID
windowRemarkNostring--Profile remark
page_indexNoint1Page index
page_sizeNoint15Page size

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "total": 1,
        "rows": [
                "dirId": "dc1e73d4dd954a",                                       // Browser Profile ID, str type
                "windowSortNum": 99,                                             // Profile number, int type  
                "windowName": "Roxytest",                                        // Profile name, str type
                "coreVersion": "117",                                            // Core version, enum values: 117, 109, str type
                "os": "Windows",                                                 // Operating system, enum values: Profiles, macOS, Linux, str type
                "osVersion": "11",                                               // Operating system version, enum values for Profile: 11, 10, 8, 7; enum values for macOS and Linux: ALL, str type   
                "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0)",                    // User Agent, str type
                "cookie": [
                        "name": "1",
                        "value": "2", 
                        "domain": "3"
                ],                                                               // cookie, List type
                "windowPlatformList": [{
                    "platformUrl": "",                    // Business platform URL, str type
                    "platformUserName": "Roxytest",                              // Platform account, str type
                    "platformPassword": "Roxytest",                              // Platform password, str type
                    "platformEfa": "2F3CD67B6D",                                 // efa, str type
                    "platformRemarks": "Roxytest"                                // Platform remarks, str type
                "defaultOpenUrl": [""],                  // Store browser tabs, List type
                "windowRemark": "Roxytest",                                      // Profile remarks, str type
                "projectId": 4,                                                  // Project ID, int type
                "projectName": "Roxytest",                                       // Project name, str type
                "openStatus": false,                                             // Whether the team has opened, enum values: true: opened, false: not opened, bool type
                    "openTime": "2024-01-09 12:12:12",                           // Open time, str type
                    "openUserName": "test"                                       // Username of the opener, str type
                }],                                                              // Detailed information when the Profile is opened, List type
                "createTime": "2024-01-09 12:12:12",                             // Creation time, str type
                "updateTime": "2024-01-09 12:12:12",                             // Update time, str type
                "userName": "roxytest",                                          // Username of the Profile owner, i.e., account, str type
                "openTime": "2024-12-05 10:57:43",                               // Last open time of the Profile, str type
                "closeTime": "2024-12-05 10:40:54",                              // Last close time of the Profile, str type
                "proxyInfo": {
                        "proxyMethod": "custom",                                 // Proxy method, enum values: custom, choose, api, str type
                        "proxyCategory": "noproxy",                              // Proxy type, enum values: noproxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5, SSH, str type
                        "ipType": "IPV4",                                        // Network protocol, enum values: IPV4, IPV6, str type
                        "protocol": "SOCKS5",                                    // Proxy protocol, enum values: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5, str type
                        "host": "",                                  // Proxy host, str type
                        "port": "37746",                                         // Proxy port, str type
                        "proxyUserName": "roxytest",                             // Proxy account, str type
                        "proxyPassword": "roxytest",                             // Proxy password, str type
                        "refreshUrl": "",       // Refresh URL, str type
                        "lastIp": "",                                   // Exit IP, str type
                        "lastCountry": "CN",                                     // Exit country, str type
                        "checkChannel": ""               // IP query channel, str type
                "isOften": false,                                                // Whether bookmarked, true: yes, false: no, boolean type
                "labelInfo": [
                        "labelId": 859,                                          // Tag ID, int type
                        "labelName": "Roxytest",                                 // Tag name, str type
                        "labelColor": "#FC9D12"                                  // Tag color, str type
                ]                                                                // Tag details, List type
    "msg": "success"                                                             // Response message, type: str
Field Name
Field Type
dirIdstringBrowser Profile ID
windowSortNumintProfile number
windowNamestringProfile name
coreVersionstringCore version, enum values: 117, 109, 125
osstringOperating system, enum values: Profiles, macOS, Linux
osVersionstringOperating system version, enum values for Profiles: 11, 10, 8, 7; enum values for macOS and Linux: ALL
userAgentstringUser Agent
defaultOpenUrlListStored browser tabs
windowRemarkstringProfile remark
projectIdintProject ID
projectNamestringProject name
openStatusbooleanWhether opened within the team, enum values: true: opened, false: not opened
createTimestringProfile creation time
updateTimestringProfile modification time
userNamestringUsername of the Profile owner, i.e., account
openTimestringLast open time of the Profile
closeTimestringLast close time of the Profile
isOftenbooleanWhether bookmarked, true: yes, false: no
windowPlatformListListSee windowPlatformList
statusInfoobjectDetailed information when the Profile is opened, see statusInfo
proxyInfoobjectSee proxyInfo
labelInfoobjectSee labelInfo


Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
platformUrlstringBusiness platform URL
platformUserNamestringPlatform account
platformPasswordstringPlatform password
platformRemarksstringPlatform remark


Field NameField TypeDescription
openUserNamestringUsername of the opener
openTimestringOpen time


Field NameField TypeDescription
proxyMethodstringProxy method, enum values: custom, choose, api
proxyCategorystringProxy type, enum values: noproxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5
ipTypestringNetwork protocol, enum values: IPV4, IPV6
protocolstringProxy protocol, enum values: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5
hoststringProxy host
portstringProxy port
proxyUserNamestringProxy account
proxyPasswordstringProxy password
refreshUrlstringRefresh URL
lastIpstringExit IP
lastCountrystringExit country
checkChannelstringIP query channel


Field NameField TypeDescription
labelIdintTag ID
labelNamestringTag name
labelColorstringTag color

Create Browser Profile

POST /browser/create

1 Request Parameters

    "workspaceId": 1,                                             // Workspace ID, int type, required, obtained through the Space Project interface [/browser/workspace]
    "windowName": "Roxytest",                                     // Profile name, str type, optional
    "coreVersion": "117",                                         // Core version, enum values: 117, 109, str type, optional, default 125
    "os": "Windows",                                              // Operating system, enum values: Profiles, macOS, Linux, IOS, Android, str type, optional, default Profiles
    "osVersion": "11",                                            // Operating system version, enum values for Profiles: 11, 10, 8, 7; enum values for macOS and Linux: ALL; enum values for Android: 13,12,11,10,9; enum values for IOS: 17.0,16.6,16.5,16.4,16.3,16.2,16.1,16.0,15.7,15.6,15.5,15.4,15.3,15.2,15.1,15.0,14.7,14.6,14.5,14.4,14.3,14.2,14.1,14.0; str type, optional, default is the maximum value
    "cookie": [],                                                 // Cookie, List type, optional
    "labelIds": [12,13],                                          // Tag ID list, List type, optional, obtained through the Tag List interface [/browser/label]
    "windowPlatformList": [{
        "platformUrl": "",                 // Business platform URL, str type, optional
        "platformUserName": "Roxytest",                           // Platform account, str type, optional
        "platformPassword": "12345655",                           // Platform password, str type, optional
        "platformEfa": "2F3CD67B6D",                              // EFA, str type, optional
        "platformRemarks": "Roxytest"                             // Platform remark, str type, optional
    "defaultOpenUrl": [""],               // Stored browser tabs, List type, optional
    "windowRemark": "Roxytest",                                   // Profile remark, str type, optional
    "projectId":1,                                                // Project ID, int type, optional, obtained through the Space Project interface [/browser/workspace]
    "proxyInfo": {
        "proxyMethod": "custom",                                  // Proxy method, enum values: custom, str type, optional, default is custom
        "proxyCategory": "noproxy",                               // Proxy type, enum values: noproxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5, SSH, str type, optional, default is noproxy
        "ipType": "IPV4",                                         // Network protocol, enum values: IPV4, IPV6, str type, optional, default is IPV4
        "host": "",                                   // Proxy host, str type, optional
        "port": "37746",                                          // Proxy port, str type, optional
        "proxyUserName": "roxytest",                              // Proxy account, str type, optional
        "proxyPassword": "roxytest",                              // Proxy password, str type, optional
        "refreshUrl": "",        // Refresh URL, str type, optional
        "checkChannel": ""                               // IP query channel, enum values:, IP-API,, str type, optional
    "fingerInfo": {
        "isLanguageBaseIp": true,                                 // Browser Language Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean,  Optional, Default true
        "language": "en-US",                                      // Custom Browser Language Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Language List
        "isDisplayLanguageBaseIp": true,                          // Display Language Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "displayLanguage": "en-US",                               // Custom Display Language Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Display Language List
        "isTimeZone": true,                                       // Time Zone Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "timeZone": "GMT-12:00 Etc/GMT+12",                       // Custom Time Zone Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Time Zone List
        "position": 0,                                            // Geolocation Prompt Type, Ask: 0, Allow: 1, Disable: 2, int type, Optional, Default 1
        "isPositionBaseIp": true,                                 // Geolocation Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "longitude": "376",                                       // Longitude Value, Set when isPositionBaseIp is false, str type, Optional
        "latitude": "165",                                        // Latitude Value, Set when isPositionBaseIp is false, str type, Optional
        "precisionPos": "600",                                    // Precision Value (meters), Set when isPositionBaseIp is false, str type, Optional
        "forbidAudio": true,                                      // Disable Web Page Audio, Enable: true, Disable: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "forbidImage": true,                                      // Disable Web Page Images, Enable: true, Disable: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "forbidMedia": true,                                      // Disable Web Page Videos, Enable: true, Disable: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "openWidth": "1000",                                      // Profile Size, Width, str type, Optional, Default 1000
        "openHeight": "1000",                                     // Profile Size, Height, str type, Optional, Default 1000
        "isDisplayName": false,                                   // Show Profile Name in Title Bar, Show: true, Hide: false, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncBookmark": false,                                    // Sync Bookmarks, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncHistory": false,                                     // Sync History, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncTab": true,                                          // Sync Tabs, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "syncCookie": true,                                       // Sync Cookies, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "syncExtensions": false,                                  // Sync Extensions Data, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncPassword": true,                                     // Sync Saved Passwords, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "syncIndexedDb": false,                                   // Sync IndexedDB, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncLocalStorage": false,                                // Sync Local Storage, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "clearCacheFile": true,                                   // Clear Cache Files on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "clearCookie": true,                                      // Clear Cookies on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "clearLocalStorage": true,                                // Clear Local Storage on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "randomFingerprint": true,                                // Randomize Fingerprint on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "forbidSavePassword": true,                               // Disable Save Password Prompt, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "stopOpenNet": true,                                      // Stop Opening Profile on Network Failure, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "stopOpenIP": true,                                       // Stop Opening Profile on IP Change, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "stopOpenPosition": true,                                 // Stop Opening Profile on Country/Region Change, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "resolutionType": true,                                   // Resolution, true: Custom, false: System Default, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "resolutionX": "",                                        // Custom Resolution Width Value, str type, See Appendix-Resolution List, Optional
        "resolutionY": "",                                        // Custom Resolution Height Value, str type, See Appendix-Resolution List, Optional
        "fontType": false,                                        // Font Fingerprint, Random: true, Follow System: false, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "webRTC": 0,                                             // WebRTC, Replace: 0, Real: 1, Disable: 2, int type, Optional, Default 2
        "webGL": true,                                           // WebGL Image, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "webGLInfo": true,                                       // WebGLInfo Switch, Custom: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "webGLManufacturer": "",                                 // Custom WebGL Manufacturer Value when webGLInfo is Custom, str type, Optional
        "webGLRender": "",                                       // Custom WebGL Renderer Value when webGLInfo is Custom, str type, Optional
        "webGpu": "webgl",                                       // WebGpu, Match WebGL: webgl, Real: real, Disable: block, str type, Optional, Default: webgl
        "canvas": true,                                          // Canvas, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "audioContext": true,                                    // AudioContext Value, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "speechVoices": true,                                    // Speech Voices, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "doNotTrack": true,                                      // Do Not Track, true: Enable, false: Disable, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "clientRects": true,                                     // ClientRects, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "deviceInfo": true,                                      // Media Devices, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "deviceNameSwitch": true,                                // Device Name, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "macInfo": true,                                         // MAC Address, Custom: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "hardwareConcurrent": "4",                               // Hardware Concurrency, str type, Optional
        "deviceMemory": "8",                                     // Device Memory, str type, Optional
        "disableSsl": true,                                      // SSL Fingerprint Setting, true: Enable, false: Disable, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "disableSslList": [],                                    // SSL Feature Value List, List type, Optional
        "portScanProtect": true,                                 // Port Scan Protection, false: Disable, true: Enable, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "portScanList": "",                                      // Port Scan Protection Whitelist, Comma-separated, str type, Optional
        "useGpu": true,                                          // Use GPU Acceleration Mode, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "sandboxPermission": false,                              // Disable Sandbox, true: Enable, false: Disable, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "startupParam": ""                                       // Browser Startup Parameters, str type, Comma-separated, Optional
Parameter NameRequired
Parameter Type
Default Value
workspaceIdYesint--Workspace ID
windowNameNostring--Profile name
coreVersionNostring125Core version, enum values: 117, 109
osNostringWindowsOperating system, enum values: Windows, macOS, Linux, IOS, Android
osVersionNostringMaximum valueOperating system version, enum values for Windows: 11, 10, 8, 7; enum values for macOS and Linux: ALL; enum values for Android: 13,12,11,10,9; enum values for IOS: 17.0,16.6,16.5,16.4,16.3,16.2,16.1,16.0,15.7,15.6,15.5,15.4,15.3,15.2,15.1,15.0,14.7,14.6,14.5,14.4,14.3,14.2,14.1,14.0
labelIdsNoList--Tag ID list, obtained through the Tag List interface [/browser/label]
defaultOpenUrlNoList--Stored browser tabs
windowRemarkNostring--Profile remark
projectIdNonumber--Project ID
windowPlatformListNoList--See windowPlatformList
proxyInfoNoobject--See proxyInfo
fingerInfoNoobject--See fingerInfo


Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
platformUrlNostring--Business Platform URL
platformUserNameNostring--Platform Account
platformPasswordNostring--Platform Password
platformRemarksNostring--Platform Remarks


Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
proxyMethodNostringcustomProxies Method, Enum: custom
proxyCategoryNostringnoproxyProxies Category, Enum: noproxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5
ipTypeNostringIPV4Network Protocol, Enum: IPV4, IPV6
hostNostring--Proxies Host
portNostring--Proxies Port
proxyUserNameNostring--Proxies Account
proxyPasswordNostring--Proxies Password
refreshUrlNostring--Refresh URL
checkChannelNostring--IP Query Channel


Parameter NameRequired
Parameter Type
Default Value
isLanguageBaseIpNobooleantrueBrowser Language Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
languageNostring--Custom Browser Language Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Language List
isDisplayLanguageBaseIpNobooleantrueDisplay Language Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
displayLanguageNostring--Custom Display Language Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Display Language List
isTimeZoneNobooleantrueTime Zone Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
timeZoneNostring--Custom Time Zone Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Time Zone List
positionNoint1Geolocation Prompt Type, Ask: 0, Allow: 1, Disable: 2
isPositionBaseIpNobooleantrueGeolocation Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false
longitudeNostring--Longitude Value, Set when isPositionBaseIp is false
latitudeNostring--Latitude Value, Set when isPositionBaseIp is false
precisionPosNostring--Precision Value (meters), Set when isPositionBaseIp is false
forbidAudioNobooleantrueDisable Web Page Audio, Enable: true, Disable: false
forbidImageNobooleantrueDisable Web Page Images, Enable: true, Disable: false
forbidMediaNobooleantrueDisable Web Page Videos, Enable: true, Disable: false
openWidthNostring1000Profile Size, Width
openHeightNostring1000Profile Size, Height
isDisplayNameNobooleanfalseShow Profile Name in Title Bar, Show: true, Hide: false
syncBookmarkNobooleanfalseSync Bookmarks, true: Yes, false: No
syncHistoryNobooleanfalseSync History, true: Yes, false: No
syncTabNobooleantrueSync Tabs, true: Yes, false: No
syncCookieNobooleantrueSync Cookies, true: Yes, false: No
syncExtensionsNobooleanfalseSync Extensions Data, true: Yes, false: No
syncPasswordNobooleantrueSync Saved Passwords, true: Yes, false: No
syncIndexedDbNobooleanfalseSync IndexedDB, true: Yes, false: No
syncLocalStorageNobooleanfalseSync Local Storage, true: Yes, false: No
clearCacheFileNobooleanfalseClear Cache Files on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No
clearCookieNobooleanfalseClear Cookies on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No
clearLocalStorageNobooleanfalseClear Local Storage on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No
randomFingerprintNobooleanfalseRandomize Fingerprint on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No
forbidSavePasswordNobooleanfalseDisable Save Password Prompt, true: Yes, false: No
stopOpenNetNobooleanfalseStop Opening Profile on Network Failure, true: Yes, false: No
stopOpenIPNobooleanfalseStop Opening Profile on IP Change, true: Yes, false: No
stopOpenPositionNobooleanfalseStop Opening Profile on Country/Region Change, true: Yes, false: No
resolutionTypeNobooleanfalseResolution, true: Custom, false: System Default
resolutionXNostring--Custom Resolution Width Value, str type, See Appendix-Resolution List
resolutionYNostring--Custom Resolution Height Value, str type, See Appendix-Resolution List
fontTypeNobooleanfalseFont Fingerprint, Random: true, Follow System: false
webRTCNoint2WebRTC, Replace: 0, Real: 1, Disable: 2
webGLNobooleantrueWebGL Image, Random: true, Real: false
webGLInfoNobooleantrueWebGLInfo Switch, Custom: true, Real: false
webGLManufacturerNostring--Custom WebGL Manufacturer Value when webGLInfo is Custom
webGLRenderNostring--Custom WebGL Renderer Value when webGLInfo is Custom
webGpuNostringwebglWebGpu, Match WebGL: webgl, Real: real, Disable: block
canvasNobooleantrueCanvas, Random: true, Real: false
audioContextNobooleantrueAudioContext Value, Random: true, Real: false
speechVoicesNobooleantrueSpeech Voices, Random: true, Real: false
doNotTrackNobooleantrueDo Not Track, true: Enable, false: Disable
clientRectsNobooleantrueClientRects, Random: true, Real: false
deviceInfoNobooleantrueMedia Devices, Random: true, Real: false
deviceNameSwitchNobooleantrueDevice Name, Random: true, Real: false
macInfoNobooleantrueMAC Address, Custom: true, Real: false
hardwareConcurrentNostring--Hardware Concurrency
deviceMemoryNostring--Device Memory
disableSslNobooleanfalseSSL Fingerprint Setting, true: Enable, false: Disable
disableSslListNoList--SSL Feature Value List, List type
portScanProtectNobooleantruePort Scan Protection, false: Disable, true: Enable
portScanListNostring--Port Scan Protection Whitelist, Comma-separated
useGpuNobooleantrueUse GPU Acceleration Mode, true: Yes, false: No
sandboxPermissionNobooleanfalseDisable Sandbox, true: Yes, false: No
startupParamNostring--Browser Startup Parameters

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,                 // Status Code, 0: Success, 500: Failure, int type
    "msg": "Success",          // Response Message, str type
    "data": {
        "windowId": 20981,
        "dirId": "05299704c4a89337bd6a37cdb9b95d96"
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus Code, 0: Success, 500: Failure
msgstringResponse Message

Modify Browser Profile

POST /browser/mdf

1 Request Parameters

    "workspaceId": 1,                                              // Workspace ID, int type, Required, Obtained from Workspace Project API [/browser/workspace]
    "dirId": "dc1e73d4dd954a3a8ca087d53d2e18ce",                   // Browser Profile ID, str type, Required
    "windowName": "Roxytest",                                      // Profile Name, str type, Optional
    "coreVersion": "117",                                          // Core Version, Enum: 117, 109, str type, Optional, Default 125
    "os": "Windows",                                               // Operating System, Enum: Windows, macOS, Linux, IOS, Android, str type, Optional, Default Windows
    "osVersion": "11",                                             // Operating System Version, Windows Enum: 11, 10, 8, 7; macOS and Linux Enum: ALL, Android Enum: 13,12,11,10,9; IOS Enum: 17.0,16.6,16.5,16.4,16.3,16.2,16.1,16.0,15.7,15.6,15.5,15.4,15.3,15.2,15.1,15.0,14.7,14.6,14.5,14.4,14.3,14.2,14.1,14.0; str type, Optional, Default 11
    "cookie": [],                                                  // Cookies, List type, Optional
    "labelIds": [12,13],                                           // Label IDs, List type, Optional, Obtained from Label List API [/browser/label]
    "windowPlatformList": [{
        "platformUrl": "",                 // Business Platform URL, str type, Optional
        "platformUserName": "Roxytest",                           // Platform Account, str type, Optional
        "platformPassword": "123456",                             // Platform Password, str type, Optional
        "platformEfa": "2F3CD67B6D",                              // efa, str type, Optional
        "platformRemarks": "Roxytest"                             // Platform Remarks, str type, Optional
    "defaultOpenUrl": [""],               // Stored Browser Tabs, List type, Optional
    "windowRemark": "Roxytest",                                   // Profile Remarks, str type, Optional
    "projectId": 1,                                               // Project ID, int type, Optional, Obtained from Workspace Project API [/browser/workspace]
    "proxyInfo": {
        "proxyMethod": "custom",                                  // Proxy Method, Enum: custom, str type, Optional, Default custom
        "proxyCategory": "noproxy",                               // Proxy Category, Enum: noproxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5, str type, Optional, Default noproxy
        "ipType": "IPV4",                                         // Network Protocol, Enum: IPV4, IPV6, str type, Optional, Default IPV4
        "host": "",                                   // Proxies Host, str type, Optional
        "port": "37746",                                          // Proxies Port, str type, Optional
        "proxyUserName": "roxytest",                              // Proxies Account, str type, Optional
        "proxyPassword": "roxytest",                              // Proxies Password, str type, Optional
        "refreshUrl": "",        // Refresh URL, str type, Optional
        "checkChannel": ""                               // IP Query Channel, Enum:, IP-API,, str type, Optional
    "fingerInfo": {
        "isLanguageBaseIp": true,                                 // Browser Language Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean,  Optional, Default true
        "language": "en-US",                                      // Custom Browser Language Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Language List
        "isDisplayLanguageBaseIp": true,                          // Display Language Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "displayLanguage": "en-US",                               // Custom Display Language Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Display Language List
        "isTimeZone": true,                                       // Time Zone Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "timeZone": "GMT-12:00 Etc/GMT+12",                       // Custom Time Zone Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Time Zone List
        "position": 0,                                            // Geolocation Prompt Type, Ask: 0, Allow: 1, Disable: 2, int type, Optional, Default 1
        "isPositionBaseIp": true,                                 // Geolocation Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "longitude": "376",                                       // Longitude Value, Set when isPositionBaseIp is false, str type, Optional
        "latitude": "165",                                        // Latitude Value, Set when isPositionBaseIp is false, str type, Optional
        "precisionPos": "600",                                    // Precision Value (meters), Set when isPositionBaseIp is false, str type, Optional
        "forbidAudio": true,                                      // Disable Web Page Audio, Enable: true, Disable: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "forbidImage": true,                                      // Disable Web Page Images, Enable: true, Disable: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "forbidMedia": true,                                      // Disable Web Page Videos, Enable: true, Disable: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "openWidth": "1000",                                      // Profile Size, Width, str type, Optional, Default 1000
        "openHeight": "1000",                                     // Profile Size, Height, str type, Optional, Default 1000
        "isDisplayName": false,                                   // Show Profile Name in Title Bar, Show: true, Hide: false, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncBookmark": false,                                    // Sync Bookmarks, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncHistory": false,                                     // Sync History, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncTab": true,                                          // Sync Tabs, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "syncCookie": true,                                       // Sync Cookies, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "syncExtensions": false,                                  // Sync Extensions Data, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncPassword": true,                                     // Sync Saved Passwords, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "syncIndexedDb": false,                                   // Sync IndexedDB, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "syncLocalStorage": false,                                // Sync Local Storage, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "clearCacheFile": true,                                   // Clear Cache Files on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "clearCookie": true,                                      // Clear Cookies on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "clearLocalStorage": true,                                // Clear Local Storage on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "randomFingerprint": true,                                // Randomize Fingerprint on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "forbidSavePassword": true,                               // Disable Save Password Prompt, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "stopOpenNet": true,                                      // Stop Opening Profile on Network Failure, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "stopOpenIP": true,                                       // Stop Opening Profile on IP Change, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "stopOpenPosition": true,                                 // Stop Opening Profile on Country/Region Change, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "resolutionType": true,                                   // Resolution, true: Custom, false: System Default, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "resolutionX": "",                                        // Custom Resolution Width Value, str type, See Appendix-Resolution List, Optional
        "resolutionY": "",                                        // Custom Resolution Height Value, str type, See Appendix-Resolution List, Optional
        "fontType": false,                                        // Font Fingerprint, Random: true, Follow System: false, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "webRTC": 0,                                             // WebRTC, Replace: 0, Real: 1, Disable: 2, int type, Optional, Default 2
        "webGL": true,                                           // WebGL Image, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "webGLInfo": true,                                       // WebGLInfo Switch, Custom: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "webGLManufacturer": "",                                 // Custom WebGL Manufacturer Value when webGLInfo is Custom, str type, Optional
        "webGLRender": "",                                       // Custom WebGL Renderer Value when webGLInfo is Custom, str type, Optional
        "webGpu": "webgl",                                       // WebGpu, Match WebGL: webgl, Real: real, Disable: block, str type, Optional, Default: webgl
        "canvas": true,                                          // Canvas, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "audioContext": true,                                    // AudioContext Value, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "speechVoices": true,                                    // Speech Voices, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "doNotTrack": true,                                      // Do Not Track, true: Enable, false: Disable, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "clientRects": true,                                     // ClientRects, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "deviceInfo": true,                                      // Media Devices, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "deviceNameSwitch": true,                                // Device Name, Random: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "macInfo": true,                                         // MAC Address, Custom: true, Real: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "hardwareConcurrent": "4",                               // Hardware Concurrency, str type, Optional
        "deviceMemory": "8",                                     // Device Memory, str type, Optional
        "disableSsl": true,                                      // SSL Fingerprint Setting, true: Enable, false: Disable, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "disableSslList": [],                                    // SSL Feature Value List, List type, Optional
        "portScanProtect": true,                                 // Port Scan Protection, false: Disable, true: Enable, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "portScanList": "",                                      // Port Scan Protection Whitelist, Comma-separated, str type, Optional
        "useGpu": true,                                          // Use GPU Acceleration Mode, true: Yes, false: No, Boolean, Optional, Default true
        "sandboxPermission": false,                              // Disable Sandbox, true: Enable, false: Disable, Boolean, Optional, Default false
        "startupParam": ""                                       // Browser Startup Parameters, str type, Comma-separated, Optional
Parameter NameRequired
Parameter Type
Default ValueDescription
dirIdYesstring--Browser Profile ID
workspaceIdYesint--Workspace ID
windowNameNostring--Profile Name
coreVersionNostring125Core Version, Enum: 117, 109, Default 125
osNostringWindowsOperating System, Enum: Windows, macOS, Linux, IOS, Android,
osVersionNostring11Operating System Version,
Windows Enum: 11, 10, 8, 7;
macOS and Linux Enum: ALL,
Android Enum: 13,12,11,10,9;
IOS Enum: 17.0,16.6,16.5,16.4,16.3,16.2,16.1,16.0,15.7,15.6,15.5,15.4,15.3,15.2,15.1,15.0,14.7,14.6,14.5,14.4,14.3,14.2,14.1,14.0
labelIdsNoList--Tag ID list, obtained through the Tag List interface [/browser/label]
defaultOpenUrlNoList--Stored browser tabs
windowRemarkNostring--Profile remark
projectIdNonumber--Project ID
windowPlatformListNoList--See windowPlatformList
proxyInfoNoobject--See proxyInfo
fingerInfoNoobject--See fingerInfo


Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
platformUrlNostring--Business Platform URL
platformUserNameNostring--Platform Account
platformPasswordNostring--Platform Password
platformRemarksNostring--Platform Remarks


Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
proxyMethodNostringcustomProxies Method, Enum: custom
proxyCategoryNostringnoproxyProxies Category, Enum: noproxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5
ipTypeNostringIPV4Network Protocol, Enum: IPV4, IPV6
hostNostring--Proxies Host
portNostring--Proxies Port
proxyUserNameNostring--Proxies Account
proxyPasswordNostring--Proxies Password
refreshUrlNostring--Refresh URL
checkChannelNostring--IP Query Channel


Parameter NameRequired
Parameter Type
Default Value
isLanguageBaseIpNobooleantrueBrowser Language Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
languageNostring--Custom Browser Language Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Language List
isDisplayLanguageBaseIpNobooleantrueDisplay Language Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
displayLanguageNostring--Custom Display Language Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Display Language List
isTimeZoneNobooleantrueTime Zone Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false, Boolean, Optional, Default true
timeZoneNostring--Custom Time Zone Value, str type, Optional, See Appendix-Time Zone List
positionNoint1Geolocation Prompt Type, Ask: 0, Allow: 1, Disable: 2
isPositionBaseIpNobooleantrueGeolocation Type, Follow IP: true, Custom: false
longitudeNostring--Longitude Value, Set when isPositionBaseIp is false
latitudeNostring--Latitude Value, Set when isPositionBaseIp is false
precisionPosNostring--Precision Value (meters), Set when isPositionBaseIp is false
forbidAudioNobooleantrueDisable Web Page Audio, Enable: true, Disable: false
forbidImageNobooleantrueDisable Web Page Images, Enable: true, Disable: false
forbidMediaNobooleantrueDisable Web Page Videos, Enable: true, Disable: false
openWidthNostring1000Profile Size, Width
openHeightNostring1000Profile Size, Height
isDisplayNameNobooleanfalseShow Profile Name in Title Bar, Show: true, Hide: false
syncBookmarkNobooleanfalseSync Bookmarks, true: Yes, false: No
syncHistoryNobooleanfalseSync History, true: Yes, false: No
syncTabNobooleantrueSync Tabs, true: Yes, false: No
syncCookieNobooleantrueSync Cookies, true: Yes, false: No
syncExtensionsNobooleanfalseSync Extensions Data, true: Yes, false: No
syncPasswordNobooleantrueSync Saved Passwords, true: Yes, false: No
syncIndexedDbNobooleanfalseSync IndexedDB, true: Yes, false: No
syncLocalStorageNobooleanfalseSync Local Storage, true: Yes, false: No
clearCacheFileNobooleanfalseClear Cache Files on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No
clearCookieNobooleanfalseClear Cookies on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No
clearLocalStorageNobooleanfalseClear Local Storage on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No
randomFingerprintNobooleanfalseRandomize Fingerprint on Browser Start, true: Yes, false: No
forbidSavePasswordNobooleanfalseDisable Save Password Prompt, true: Yes, false: No
stopOpenNetNobooleanfalseStop Opening Profile on Network Failure, true: Yes, false: No
stopOpenIPNobooleanfalseStop Opening Profile on IP Change, true: Yes, false: No
stopOpenPositionNobooleanfalseStop Opening Profile on Country/Region Change, true: Yes, false: No
resolutionTypeNobooleanfalseResolution, true: Custom, false: System Default
resolutionXNostring--Custom Resolution Width Value, str type, See Appendix-Resolution List
resolutionYNostring--Custom Resolution Height Value, str type, See Appendix-Resolution List
fontTypeNobooleanfalseFont Fingerprint, Random: true, Follow System: false
webRTCNoint2WebRTC, Replace: 0, Real: 1, Disable: 2
webGLNobooleantrueWebGL Image, Random: true, Real: false
webGLInfoNobooleantrueWebGLInfo Switch, Custom: true, Real: false
webGLManufacturerNostring--Custom WebGL Manufacturer Value when webGLInfo is Custom
webGLRenderNostring--Custom WebGL Renderer Value when webGLInfo is Custom
webGpuNostringwebglWebGpu, Match WebGL: webgl, Real: real, Disable: block
canvasNobooleantrueCanvas, Random: true, Real: false
audioContextNobooleantrueAudioContext Value, Random: true, Real: false
speechVoicesNobooleantrueSpeech Voices, Random: true, Real: false
doNotTrackNobooleantrueDo Not Track, true: Enable, false: Disable
clientRectsNobooleantrueClientRects, Random: true, Real: false
deviceInfoNobooleantrueMedia Devices, Random: true, Real: false
deviceNameSwitchNobooleantrueDevice Name, Random: true, Real: false
macInfoNobooleantrueMAC Address, Custom: true, Real: false
hardwareConcurrentNostring--Hardware Concurrency
deviceMemoryNostring--Device Memory
disableSslNobooleanfalseSSL Fingerprint Setting, true: Enable, false: Disable
disableSslListNoList--SSL Feature Value List, List type
portScanProtectNobooleantruePort Scan Protection, false: Disable, true: Enable
portScanListNostring--Port Scan Protection Whitelist, Comma-separated
useGpuNobooleantrueUse GPU Acceleration Mode, true: Yes, false: No
sandboxPermissionNobooleanfalseDisable Sandbox, true: Yes, false: No
startupParamNostring--Browser Startup Parameters

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,          // Status Code, 0: Success, 500: Failure, int type
    "msg": "Success",   // Response Message, str type 
    "data": {
        "dirId": "05299704c4a89337bd6a37cdb9b95d96"  // Browser Profile ID
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus Code, 0: Success, 500: Failure
msgstringResponse Message

Delete Browser Profile

POST /browser/del

1 Request Parameters

    "workspaceId": 1,                          // Workspace ID, int type, Required
    "dirIds": ["dc1ed4d","2e18ce","yy67yegk"]  // Browser Profile ID List, List type, Required
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
workspaceIdYesint--Workspace ID
dirIdsYesList--Browser Profile ID List

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,         // Status Code, 0: Success, 500: Failure, int type
    "msg": "Success"   // Response Message, str type
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus Code, 0: Success, 500: Failure
msgstringResponse Message

Open Browser Profile

POST /browser/open

1 Request Parameters

    "workspaceId": 1,                                                   // Project ID, int type, required, obtained through the Project interface【/browser/workspace】
    "dirId": "dc1e73d4dd954a3a8ca087d53d2e18ce",                        // Browser Profile ID, str type, required
    "args": ["--remote-allow-origins=*", "--disable-audio-output"]      // Browser startup parameters, List type, optional

Note: The following startup parameters are built-in system parameters and will not take effect when modified:
For detailed parameter descriptions, please visit:
The browser currently does not support headless mode (passing --headless will not take effect)
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
workspaceIdYesint--Project ID
dirIdYesstring--Browser Profile ID
argsNoList--Browser startup parameters

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,                                                                              // Status code, 0: success, 500: failure, int type
    "data": {       
        "ws": "ws://", // WebSocket interface for automation tools
        "http": "",                                                          // HTTP interface for automation tools
        "coreVersion": "112",                                                               // Core version
        "driver": "C:\\Users\\lumibrowser\\AppData\\Roaming\\lumibrowser\\chrome-bin\\125\\chromedriver.exe",  // WebDriver for automation tools
        "sortNum": 3474,                                                                    // Profile sort number
        "windowName": "",                                                                   // Profile name
        "windowRemark": "",                                                                 // Profile remark
        "pid":1111                                                                          // Process ID
    "msg": "Success"                                                                        // Result message, str type
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: success, 500: failure
wsstringWebSocket interface for automation tools
httpstringHTTP interface for automation tools
coreVersionstringCore version
driverstringWebDriver for automation tools
sortNumintProfile sort number
windowNamestringProfile name
windowRemarkstringProfile remark
pidintProcess ID
msgstringResult message

Close Browser Profile

POST /browser/close

1 Request Parameters

    "dirId": "dc1e73d4dd954a3a8ca087d53d2e18ce"     // Browser Profile ID, str type, required
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
dirIdYesstring--Browser Profile ID

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,             // Status code, 0: success, 500: failure, int type
    "msg": "Success"       // Result message, str type
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: success, 500: failure
msgstringResult message

Randomize Profile Fingerprint

POST /browser/random_env

1 Request Parameters

{   "workspaceId": 1,                                      // Project ID, int type, required, obtained through the Project interface【/browser/workspace】
    "dirId": "dc1e73d4dd954a3a8ca087d53d2e18ce"            // Browser Profile ID, str type, required
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
workspaceIdYesint--Project ID
dirIdYesstring--Browser Profile ID

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,         // Status code, 0: success, 500: failure, int type
    "msg": "Success"   // Result message, str type
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: success, 500: failure
msgstringResult message

Clear Local Cache for Profile

POST /browser/clear_local_cache

1 Request Parameters

    "dirIds": ["dc1ed4d","2e18ce","yy67yegk"]    // Browser Profile ID list, List type, required
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
dirIdsYesList--Browser Profile ID list

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,             // Status code, 0: success, 500: failure, int type
    "msg": "Success"       // Result message, str type
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: success, 500: failure
msgstringResult message

Clear Server Cache for Profile

POST /browser/clear_server_cache

1 Request Parameters

    "workspaceId": 1,                              // Project ID, int type, required, obtained through the Project interface【/browser/workspace】
    "dirIds": ["dc1ed4d","2e18ce","yy67yegk"]      // Browser Profile ID list, List type, required
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
workspaceIdYesint--Project ID
dirIdsYesList--Browser Profile ID list

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,         // Status code, 0: success, 500: failure, int type
    "msg": "Success"   // Result message, str type
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: success, 500: failure
msgstringResult message

Connection Information for Opened Profiles

GET /browser/connection_info?dirIds=dc1e73d4dd954a,157d4e73ae4f1ac8

1 Request Parameters

    "dirIds": "dc1e73d4dd954a,157d4e73ae4f1ac8"                       // List of Browser Profile IDs, str type, multiple IDs separated by commas, optional
Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDefault ValueDescription
dirIdsNostring--List of Browser Profile IDs

2 Response Result

    "code": 0,                                                                                  // Status code, 0: success, 500: failure, int type
    "data": [
            "ws": "ws://", // WebSocket interface for automation tools
            "http": "",                                                          // HTTP interface for automation tools
            "coreVersion": "112",                                                               // Core version
            "driver": "C:\\Users\\lumibrowser\\AppData\\Roaming\\lumibrowser\\chrome-bin\\125\\chromedriver.exe",  // WebDriver for automation tools
            "sortNum": 3474,                                                                    // Profile sort number
            "windowName": "",                                                                   // Profile name
            "windowRemark": "",                                                                 // Profile remark
            "pid":1111,                                                                         // Process ID
            "dirId": "doc64hdyy7e"                                                              // Profile ID
            "ws": "ws://",
            "http": "",
            "coreVersion": "112", 
            "driver": "C:\\Users\\lumibrowser\\AppData\\Roaming\\lumibrowser\\chrome-bin\\125\\chromedriver.exe",
            "sortNum": 3474, 
            "windowName": "", 
            "windowRemark": "",  
            "dirId": "doc64hdyy7e"
    "msg": "Success"
Field NameField TypeDescription
codeintStatus code, 0: success, 500: failure
wsstringWebSocket interface for automation tools
httpstringHTTP interface for automation tools
coreVersionstringCore version
driverstringWebDriver for automation tools
sortNumintProfile sort number
windowNamestringProfile name
windowRemarkstringProfile remark
pidintProcess ID
dirIdstringProfile ID

API Integration Code Examples

Python Code Example

1. API Call Example

import requests
import json
import time

class RoxyClient:
    :param port: API service port number
    :param token: API service token
    def __init__(self,port:int,token:str) -> None:
        self.port = port = ""
        self.token = token
        self.url = f"http://{}:{self.port}"

    def _build_headers(self):
        return {"Content-Type": "application/json","token":self.token}
    def _post(self,path,data = None):
        return + path,json=data,headers=self._build_headers())
    def _get(self,path,data = None):
        return requests.get(self.url + path,params=data,headers=self._build_headers())

    Health check, used to check if the API service is running normally, documentation:
    def health(self):
        return self._get("/health").json()
    Get the list of Projects, used to get the list of owned Projects, documentation:
    :param page_index,page_size Pagination parameters
    def workspace_project(self):
        return self._get("/browser/workspace").json()

    Get the Account list, used to get the configured platform Accounts, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: Project ID, required, specifies which Project's platform Accounts to get, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param accountId: Account library ID, optional
    :param page_index,page_size Pagination parameters
    def account(self,workspaceId:int,accountId:int = 0,page_index:int = 1,page_size:int = 15):
        return self._get("/browser/account",{"workspaceId":workspaceId,"accountId":accountId,"page_index":page_index,"page_size":page_size}).json()
    Get the label list, used to get the configured label information, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: Project ID, required, specifies which Project's labels to get, obtained through the workspace_project method
    def label(self,workspaceId:int):
        return self._get("/browser/label",{"workspaceId":workspaceId}).json()
    Get the Profile list, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: Project ID, required, specifies which Project's Profile list to get, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param dirId: Profile ID, optional; if provided, only information for this Profile will be queried
    :param page_index,page_size Pagination parameters
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_list(self,workspaceId:int,sortNums:str = "",page_index:int = 1,page_size:int = 15):
        return self._get("/browser/list_v2",{"workspaceId":workspaceId,"sortNums":sortNums,"page_index":page_index,"page_size":page_size}).json()

    Create a Profile, documentation:
    :param data: Create Profile parameters, see documentation for details
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_create(self,data:dict = None):
        return self._post("/browser/create",data).json()
    Modify a Profile, documentation:
    :param data: Modify Profile parameters, see documentation for details
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_mdf(self,data:dict):
        return self._post("/browser/mdf",data).json()

    Delete Profiles, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: Project ID, required, specifies which Project the Profiles belong to, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param dirIds: List of Profile IDs to delete, required
    def browser_delete(self, workspaceId:int, dirIds:list):
        return self._post("/browser/delete", {"workspaceId": workspaceId, "dirIds": dirIds}).json()
    Open a profile, documentation:
    :param dirId: The ID of the profile to open, required
    :param args: Specify browser startup arguments, optional
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_open(self,dirId:str,args=[]):
        return self._post("/browser/open",{"dirId":dirId,"args": args}).json()
    Close a profile, documentation:
    :param dirId: The ID of the profile to close, required
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_close(self,dirId:str):
        return self._post("/browser/close",{"dirId":dirId}).json()

    Randomize profile fingerprint, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: The ID of the workspace, required. Specify the workspace where the profile is located, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param dirId: The ID of the profile, required. Specify the profile to randomize the fingerprint
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_random_env(self,workspaceId:int,dirId:str):
        return self._post("/browser/random_env",{"workspaceId": workspaceId,"dirId":dirId}).json()
    Clear local cache of a profile, documentation:
    :param dirIds: A list of profile IDs, required. Specify the profiles to clear the local cache
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_local_cache(self,dirIds:list):
        return self._post("/browser/clear_local_cache",{"dirIds":dirIds}).json()
    Clear server cache of a profile, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: The ID of the workspace, required. Specify the workspace where the profile is located, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param dirIds: A list of profile IDs, required. Specify the profiles to clear the server cache
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_server_cache(self,workspaceId:int,dirIds:list):
        return self._post("/browser/clear_server_cache",{"workspaceId": workspaceId,"dirIds":dirIds}).json()
    Get information about open profiles, documentation:
    :param dirIds: The IDs of the profiles to query, optional
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    def browser_connection_info(self,dirIds=[]):
        return self._get("/browser/connection_info",{"dirIds":dirIds}).json()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = RoxyClient(port=50000,token="d1f497a404d6854880773e5c3cd9ca25")
    data = {
        "workspaceId": 10,
        "windowName":"Randomize fingerprint on launch",
        "osVersion": "11",
    data = {
        "workspaceId": 10,
        "windowName":"Modify profile",

2、Selenium automation example

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import Options
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
from import Service
import RoxyClient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    browser_id = "8ba009cbbedf192f34817574c81c9454"
    # Initialize the client
    client = RoxyClient(port=50000,token="d1f491a404druyt54880943e5c3cd9ca25")
    # Open the profile
    rsp = client.browser_open(browser_id)
    if rsp.get("code") != 0:
        print("Failed to open profile:",rsp)
    # Get the connection information for Selenium
    debuggerAddress = rsp.get("data").get("http")
    driverPath = rsp.get("data").get("driver")
    print(f"Profile opened successfully, debuggerAddress:{debuggerAddress}, driverPath:{driverPath}")

    # Selenium connection code
    chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    chrome_options.add_experimental_option("debuggerAddress", debuggerAddress)

    chrome_service = Service(driverPath)
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=chrome_service, options=chrome_options)



Node.js code example

1、API list: roxy_api.js

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

class RoxyClient {
    constructor(port, token)  {
        this.port = port;
        this.token = token; = '';
        this.url = "http://" + + ":" + this.port
    _build_headers() {
        return {"Content-Type": "application/json","token":this.token}
    async _post(path,data) {
        const response = await fetch(`http://${}:${this.port}${path}`, {
            method: 'post',
            body: JSON.stringify(data),
            headers: this._build_headers(),
        return response.json()

    async _get(path,data) {
        let parmas = ""
        if (data) {
            for (var k in data) {
                let v = data[k]
                if (parmas == "") {
                    parmas = `${k}=${v}`
                } else {
                    parmas = `${parmas}&${k}=${v}`
        let base_url = `http://${}:${this.port}${path}`
        // console.log(base_url)
        const response = await fetch(parmas==""?base_url:`${base_url}?${parmas}`, {
            headers: this._build_headers(),
        return await response.json();

    Health check, used to check if the API service is running normally, documentation:
    health() {
        return this._get("/health")
    Get a list of workspaces and projects, used to get a list of owned workspaces and projects, documentation:
    :param page_index,page_size Pagination parameters
    workspace_project(self) {
        return this._get("/browser/workspace")
    Get a list of accounts, used to get configured platform accounts, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: The ID of the workspace, required. Specify which workspace's platform accounts to get, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param accountId: The ID of the account, optional
    :param page_index,page_size Pagination parameters
    account(self,workspaceId,accountId = 0,page_index = 1,page_size = 15) {
        return self._get("/browser/account",{"workspaceId":workspaceId,"accountId":accountId,"page_index":page_index,"page_size":page_size})
    Get a list of labels, used to get configured label information, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: The ID of the workspace, required. Specify which workspace's labels to get, obtained through the workspace_project method
    label(self,workspaceId) {
        return self._get("/browser/label",{"workspaceId":workspaceId})
    Get a list of profiles, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: The ID of the workspace, required. Specify which workspace's profile list to get, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param dirId: The ID of the profile, optional. If provided, only information about this profile will be queried
    :param page_index,page_size Pagination parameters
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_list(workspaceId,sortNums = "",page_index = 1,page_size = 15) {
        return this._get("/browser/list_v2",{"workspaceId":workspaceId,"sortNums":sortNums,"page_index":page_index,"page_size":page_size})

    Create a profile, documentation:
    :param data: The parameters required to create a profile, refer to the documentation. The workspaceId is required and can be obtained through the workspace_project method
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_create(data = {}) {
        return this._post("/browser/create",data)

    Modify a profile, documentation:
    :param data: The parameters required to modify a profile, refer to the documentation. The workspaceId and dirId are required, with workspaceId obtained through the workspace_project method
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_mdf(data = {}) {
        return this._post("/browser/mdf",data)

    Delete a profile, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: The ID of the workspace, required. Specify the workspace where the profile is located, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param dirIds: A list of profile IDs, required. Specify the profiles to delete
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_delete(workspaceId,dirid) {
        return this._post("/browser/delete",{"workspaceId":workspaceId,"dirIds":[dirid]})

    Open a profile, documentation:
    :param dirId: The ID of the profile to open, required
    :param args: Specify browser startup arguments, optional
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_open(dirId,args=[]) {
        return this._post("/browser/open",{"dirId":dirId,"args": args})

    Close a profile, documentation:
    :param dirId: The ID of the profile to close, required
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_close(dirId) {
        return this._post("/browser/close",{"dirId":dirId})

    Clear local cache of a profile, documentation:
    :param dirIds: A list of profile IDs, required. Specify the profiles to clear the local cache
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_clear_local_cache(dirid) {
        return this._post("/browser/clear_local_cache",{"dirIds":[dirid]})
    Clear server cache of a profile, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: The ID of the workspace, required. Specify the workspace where the profile is located, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param dirIds: A list of profile IDs, required. Specify the profiles to clear the server cache
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_clear_server_cache(workspaceId,dirid) {
        return this._post("/browser/clear_server_cache",{"workspaceId": workspaceId,"dirIds":[dirid]})

    Randomize profile fingerprint, documentation:
    :param workspaceId: The ID of the workspace, required. Specify the workspace where the profile is located, obtained through the workspace_project method
    :param dirId: The ID of the profile, required. Specify the profile to randomize the fingerprint
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_random_env(workspaceId,dirid) {
        return this._post("/browser/random_env",{"workspaceId": workspaceId,"dirId":dirid})
    Get information about open profiles, documentation:
    :param dirIds: The IDs of the profiles to query, optional
    :res Refer to the documentation for the return value
    browser_connection_info() {
        return this._get("/browser/connection_info")


module.exports = {

2、Main Program Entry

const {RoxyClient} = require("./roxy_api");
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer-core"); 
const api_token = "9976uu37d2df8bdde7bcbd872396142";
const roxy_client = new RoxyClient(50000, api_token);

const operate_window = async() => {

    // Health Check
    let health_rsp = await;

    // Create Profile
    let create_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_create();
    // Get Profile List
    let browser_id = create_rsp["data"]["dirId"];
    let browsers_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_list(browser_id);
    // Modify Profile
    let proxyInfo = {
    let fingerInfo = {
    let mdf_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_mdf({
        "windowName": "demo",
        "dirId": browser_id,
        "proxyInfo": proxyInfo,
        "os": "Windows",
        "coreVersion": "117",
        "fingerInfo": fingerInfo

    console.log(`${browser_id} browser_mdf----rsp:${JSON.stringify(mdf_rsp)}`);
    try {
        // Open Profile
        const rsp = await roxy_client.browser_open(browser_id);
        if (rsp["code"] != 0) {
            console.log(`${browser_id} browser_open err:${JSON.stringify(rsp)}`)
            if (rsp["msg"] == "Profile is already open") {
                let close_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_close(browser_id);
                console.log(`${browser_id} browser_close rsp:${JSON.stringify(close_rsp)}`);
        console.log(`${browser_id} browser_open success----ws:${rsp["data"]["ws"]}`);
        const browser = await puppeteer.connect({
            defaultViewport: null,
        // Start Business
        let newPage = await browser.newPage();
        try {
            await newPage.goto("");
        } catch(err) {
            console.log(`${browser_id} open url err:${err}`);

        // Open Profile Process Information
        let conn_info_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_connection_info();
        // Close Profile
        // let close_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_close(browser_id);
        // console.log(`${browser_id} browser_close----rsp:${JSON.stringify(close_rsp)}`);

        // Clear Local Cache
        // let clear_local_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_clear_local_cache(browser_id);
        // console.log(`browser_clear_local_cache----rsp:${JSON.stringify(clear_local_rsp)}}`);

        // Clear Server Cache
        // let clear_server_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_clear_server_cache(browser_id);
        // console.log(`browser_clear_server_cache----rsp:${JSON.stringify(clear_server_rsp)}}`);

        // Reset Profile Fingerprint
        // let random_env_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_random_env(browser_id);
        // console.log(`browser_random_env----rsp:${JSON.stringify(random_env_rsp)}}`);

        // Delete Profile
        // let delete_rsp = await roxy_client.browser_delete(browser_id);
        // console.log(`browser_delete----rsp:${JSON.stringify(delete_rsp)}}`);

    } catch (err) {
        console.log(`${browser_id} run err:${err}`);

(async () => {
    await operate_window();


Appendix-Resolution List

Format: Width x Height

Appendix-Language List

sq-AL    Albanian - shqip
ak    Akan - Akan
ar    Arabic - العربية
an    Aragonese - aragonés
am    Amharic - አማርኛ
as    Assamese - অসমীয়া
az-Cyrl-AZ    Azerbaijani - azərbaycan
ast    Asturian - asturianu
ee    Ewe - Eʋegbe
ay    Aymara - Aymar
ga    Irish - Gaeilge
et-EE    Estonian - eesti
oc    Occitan - occitan
or    Oriya - ଓଡ଼ିଆ
om    Oromo - Oromoo
eu    Basque - euskara
be-BY    Belarusian - беларуская
bm    Bambara - bamanakan
bg-BG    Bulgarian - български
nso    Northern Sotho - Northern Sotho
is-IS    Icelandic - íslenska
pl-PL    Polish - polski
bs    Bosnian - bosanski
fa    Persian - فارسی
bho    Bhojpuri - भोजपुरी
br    Breton - brezhoneg
tn    Tswana - Tswana
ts    Tsonga - Xitsonga
tt    Tatar - татар
da-DK    Danish - dansk
de    German - Deutsch
de-AT    German (Austria) - Deutsch (Österreich)
de-DE    German (Germany) - Deutsch (Deutschland)
de-LI    German (Liechtenstein) - Deutsch (Liechtenstein)
de-CH    German (Switzerland) - Deutsch (Schweiz)
dv    Divehi - ދިވެހި
doi    Dogri - डोगरी
ru    Russian - русский
fo    Faroese - føroyskt
fr    French - français
fr-FR    French (France) - français (France)
fr-CA    French (Canada) - français (Canada)
fr-CH    French (Switzerland) - français (Suisse)
sa    Sanskrit - संस्कृत भाषा
fil-PH    Filipino - Filipino
fi-FI    Finnish - suomi
km    Khmer - ខ្មែរ
ka-GE    Georgian - ქართული
gu    Gujarati - ગુજરાતી
gn    Guarani - Guarani
ia    Interlingua - interlingua
kk    Kazakh - қазақ тілі
ht    Haitian Creole - créole haïtien
ko    Korean - 한국어
ha    Hausa - Hausa
nl-NL    Dutch - Nederlands
gl    Galician - galego
ca    Catalan - català
cs-CZ    Czech - čeština
kn    Kannada - ಕನ್ನಡ
ky    Kyrgyz - кыргызча
xh    Xhosa - IsiXhosa
co    Corsican - Corsican
hr-HR    Croatian - hrvatski
qu    Quechua - Runasimi
kok    Konkani - कोंकणी
ku    Kurdish - Kurdî
la    Latin - Latin
lv-LV    Latvian - latviešu
lo-LA    Lao - ລາວ
lt-LT    Lithuanian - lietuvių
ln    Lingala - lingála
lg    Ganda - Luganda
lb    Luxembourgish - Lëtzebuergesch
rw-RW    Kinyarwanda - Kinyarwanda
ro-RO    Romanian - română
mo    Romanian (Moldova) - română (Republica Moldova)
rm    Romansh - rumantsch
mt-MT    Maltese - Malti
mr    Marathi - मराठी
mg    Malagasy - Malagasy
ml    Malayalam - മലയാളം
ms    Malay - Melayu
mk-MK    Macedonian - македонски
mai    Maithili - मैथिली
mni-Mtei    Manipuri (Meitei) - mni (Mtei)
mi    Maori - Māori
mn    Mongolian - монгол
bn-BD    Bengali - বাংলা
lus    Mizo - Mizo tawng
my    Burmese - မြန်မာ
hmn    Hmong - Hmong
af    Afrikaans - Afrikaans
st    Southern Sotho - Southern Sotho
ne-NP    Nepali - नेपाली
nn    Norwegian Nynorsk - norsk nynorsk
no    Norwegian - norsk
pa    Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
pt-PT    Portuguese - português
pt-BR    Portuguese (Brazil) - português (Brasil)
pt-PT    Portuguese (Portugal) - português (Portugal)
ps    Pashto - پښتو
ny    Nyanja - Nyanja
tw    Twi - Twi
chr    Cherokee - ᏣᎳᎩ
ja-JP    Japanese - 日本語
sv-SE    Swedish - svenska
sm    Samoan - Samoan
sh    Serbo-Croatian - srpskohrvatski
sr-Latn-RS    Serbian - српски
si    Sinhala - සිංහල
sn   Shona - chiShona
eo   Esperanto - Esperanto
nb   Norwegian Bokmål - norsk bokmål
sk-SK    Slovak - slovenčina
sl-SI    Slovenian - slovenščina
sw    Swahili - Kiswahili
gd   Scottish Gaelic - Gàidhlig
ceb  Cebuano - Cebuano
so    Somali - Soomaali
tg    Tajik - тоҷикӣ
te    Telugu - తెలుగు
ta    Tamil - தமிழ்
th    Thai - ไทย
to    Tongan - lea fakatonga
ti    Tigrinya - ትግርኛ
tr-TR    Turkish - Türkçe
tk    Turkmen - türkmen dili
wa    Walloon - wa
cy    Welsh - Cymraeg
ug    Uyghur - ئۇيغۇرچە
wo    Wolof - Wolof
ur    Urdu - اردو
uk-UA    Ukrainian - українська
uz    Uzbek - o'zbek
es-ES     Spanish - español
es-AR    Spanish (Argentina) - español (Argentina)
es-CO    Spanish (Colombia) - español (Colombia)
es-CR    Spanish (Costa Rica) - español (Costa Rica)
es-HN   Spanish (Honduras) - español (Honduras)
es-419   Spanish (Latin America) - español (Latinoamérica)
es-US    Spanish (United States) - español (Estados Unidos)
es-PE    Spanish (Peru) - español (Perú)
es-MX   Spanish (Mexico) - español (México)
es-VE    Spanish (Venezuela) - español (Venezuela)
es-UY    Spanish (Uruguay) - español (Uruguay)
es-ES    Spanish (Spain) - español (España)
es-CL    Spanish (Chile) - español (Chile)
fy    Western Frisian - Frysk
he   Hebrew - עברית
el-GR   Greek - Ελληνικά
haw    Hawaiian - ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi
sd    Sindhi - سنڌي
hu-HU    Hungarian - magyar
su    Sundanese - Basa Sunda
hy-AM    Armenian - հայերեն
ig    Igbo - Igbo
ilo   Ilocano - Ilokano
it-IT    Italian - italiano
it-CH  Italian (Switzerland) - italiano (Svizzera)
it-IT    Italian (Italy) - italiano (Italia)
yi    Yiddish - ייִדיש
hi    Hindi - हिन्दी
id-ID    Indonesian - Indonesia
en    English - English
en-IE     English (Ireland) - English (Ireland)
en-AU   English (Australia) - English (Australia)
en-CA   English (Canada) - English (Canada)
en-US   English (United States) - English (United States)
en-ZA   English (South Africa) - English (South Africa)
en-NZ   English (New Zealand) - English (New Zealand)
en-IN    English (India) - English (India)
en-GB-oxendict    English (United Kingdom, Oxford Dictionary spelling) - English (United Kingdom
en-GB    English (United Kingdom) - English (United Kingdom)
yo    Yoruba - Èdè Yorùbá
vi-VN    Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
jv    Javanese - Jawa
ckb    Central Kurdish - کوردیی ناوەندی
zh    Chinese - 中文
zh-TW    Chinese (Traditional) - 中文(繁體)
zh-CN    Chinese (Simplified) - 中文(简体)
zh-HK    Chinese (Hong Kong) - 中文(香港)
zu    Zulu - isiZulu

Appendix-Interface Language List

sq-AL    Albanian - shqip
ak    Akan - Akan
ar    Arabic - العربية
an    Aragonese - aragonés
am    Amharic - አማርኛ
as    Assamese - অসমীয়া
az-Cyrl-AZ    Azerbaijani - azərbaycan
ast    Asturian - asturianu
ee    Ewe - Eʋegbe
ay    Aymara - Aymar
ga    Irish - Gaeilge
et-EE    Estonian - eesti
oc    Occitan - occitan
or    Oriya - ଓଡ଼ିଆ
om    Oromo - Oromoo
eu    Basque - euskara
be-BY    Belarusian - беларуская
bm    Bambara - bamanakan
bg-BG    Bulgarian - български
nso    Northern Sotho - Northern Sotho
is-IS    Icelandic - íslenska
pl-PL    Polish - polski
bs    Bosnian - bosanski
fa    Persian - فارسی
bho    Bhojpuri - भोजपुरी
br    Breton - brezhoneg
tn    Tswana - Tswana
ts    Tsonga - Xitsonga
tt    Tatar - татар
da-DK    Danish - dansk
de    German - Deutsch
de-AT    German (Austria) - Deutsch (Österreich)
de-DE    German (Germany) - Deutsch (Deutschland)
de-LI    German (Liechtenstein) - Deutsch (Liechtenstein)
de-CH    German (Switzerland) - Deutsch (Schweiz)
dv    Divehi - ދިވެހި
doi    Dogri - डोगरी
ru    Russian - русский
fo    Faroese - føroyskt
fr    French - français
fr-FR    French (France) - français (France)
fr-CA    French (Canada) - français (Canada)
fr-CH    French (Switzerland) - français (Suisse)
sa    Sanskrit - संस्कृत भाषा
fil-PH    Filipino - Filipino
fi-FI    Finnish - suomi
km    Khmer - ខ្មែរ
ka-GE    Georgian - ქართული
gu    Gujarati - ગુજરાતી
gn    Guarani - Guarani
ia    Interlingua - interlingua
kk    Kazakh - қазақ тілі
ht    Haitian Creole - créole haïtien
ko    Korean - 한국어
ha    Hausa - Hausa
nl-NL    Dutch - Nederlands
gl    Galician - galego
ca    Catalan - català
cs-CZ    Czech - čeština
kn    Kannada - ಕನ್ನಡ
ky    Kyrgyz - кыргызча
xh    Xhosa - IsiXhosa
co    Corsican - Corsican
hr-HR    Croatian - hrvatski
qu    Quechua - Runasimi
kok    Konkani - कोंकणी
ku    Kurdish - Kurdî
la    Latin - Latin
lv-LV    Latvian - latviešu
lo-LA    Lao - ລາວ
lt-LT    Lithuanian - lietuvių
ln    Lingala - lingála
lg    Ganda - Luganda
lb    Luxembourgish - Lëtzebuergesch
rw-RW    Kinyarwanda - Kinyarwanda
ro-RO    Romanian - română
mo    Romanian (Moldova) - română (Republica Moldova)
rm    Romansh - rumantsch
mt-MT    Maltese - Malti
mr    Marathi - मराठी
mg    Malagasy - Malagasy
ml    Malayalam - മലയാളം
ms    Malay - Melayu
mk-MK    Macedonian - македонски
mai    Maithili - मैथिली
mni-Mtei    Manipuri (Meitei) - mni (Mtei)
mi    Maori - Māori
mn    Mongolian - монгол
bn-BD    Bengali - বাংলা
lus    Mizo - Mizo tawng
my    Burmese - မြန်မာ
hmn    Hmong - Hmong
af    Afrikaans - Afrikaans
st    Southern Sotho - Southern Sotho
ne-NP    Nepali - नेपाली
nn    Norwegian Nynorsk - norsk nynorsk
no    Norwegian - norsk
pa    Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
pt-PT    Portuguese - português
pt-BR    Portuguese (Brazil) - português (Brasil)
pt-PT    Portuguese (Portugal) - português (Portugal)
ps    Pashto - پښتو
ny    Nyanja - Nyanja
tw    Twi - Twi
chr    Cherokee - ᏣᎳᎩ
ja-JP    Japanese - 日本語
sv-SE    Swedish - svenska
sm    Samoan - Samoan
sh    Serbo-Croatian - srpskohrvatski
sr-Latn-RS    Serbian - српски
si    Sinhala - සිංහල
sn   Shona - chiShona
eo   Esperanto - Esperanto
nb   Norwegian Bokmål - norsk bokmål
sk-SK    Slovak - slovenčina
sl-SI    Slovenian - slovenščina
sw    Swahili - Kiswahili
gd   Scottish Gaelic - Gàidhlig
ceb  Cebuano - Cebuano
so    Somali - Soomaali
tg    Tajik - тоҷикӣ
te    Telugu - తెలుగు
ta    Tamil - தமிழ்
th    Thai - ไทย
to    Tongan - lea fakatonga
ti    Tigrinya - ትግርኛ
tr-TR    Turkish - Türkçe
tk    Turkmen - türkmen dili
wa    Walloon - wa
cy    Welsh - Cymraeg
ug    Uyghur - ئۇيغۇرچە
wo    Wolof - Wolof
ur    Urdu - اردو
uk-UA    Ukrainian - українська
uz    Uzbek - o'zbek
es-ES     Spanish - español
es-AR    Spanish (Argentina) - español (Argentina)
es-CO    Spanish (Colombia) - español (Colombia)
es-CR    Spanish (Costa Rica) - español (Costa Rica)
es-HN   Spanish (Honduras) - español (Honduras)
es-419   Spanish (Latin America) - español (Latinoamérica)
es-US    Spanish (United States) - español (Estados Unidos)
es-PE    Spanish (Peru) - español (Perú)
es-MX   Spanish (Mexico) - español (México)
es-VE    Spanish (Venezuela) - español (Venezuela)
es-UY    Spanish (Uruguay) - español (Uruguay)
es-ES    Spanish (Spain) - español (España)
es-CL    Spanish (Chile) - español (Chile)
fy    Western Frisian - Frysk
he   Hebrew - עברית
el-GR   Greek - Ελληνικά
haw    Hawaiian - ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi
sd    Sindhi - سنڌي
hu-HU    Hungarian - magyar
su    Sundanese - Basa Sunda
hy-AM    Armenian - հայերեն
ig    Igbo - Igbo
ilo   Ilocano - Ilokano
it-IT    Italian - italiano
it-CH  Italian (Switzerland) - italiano (Svizzera)
it-IT    Italian (Italy) - italiano (Italia)
yi    Yiddish - ייִדיש
hi    Hindi - हिन्दी
id-ID    Indonesian - Indonesia
en    English - English
en-IE     English (Ireland) - English (Ireland)
en-AU   English (Australia) - English (Australia)
en-CA   English (Canada) - English (Canada)
en-US   English (United States) - English (United States)
en-ZA   English (South Africa) - English (South Africa)
en-NZ   English (New Zealand) - English (New Zealand)
en-IN    English (India) - English (India)
en-GB-oxendict    English (United Kingdom, Oxford Dictionary spelling) - English (United Kingdom
en-GB    English (United Kingdom) - English (United Kingdom)
yo    Yoruba - Èdè Yorùbá
vi-VN    Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
jv    Javanese - Jawa
ckb    Central Kurdish - کوردیی ناوەندی
zh    Chinese - 中文
zh-TW    Chinese (Traditional) - 中文(繁體)
zh-CN    Chinese (Simplified) - 中文(简体)
zh-HK    Chinese (Hong Kong) - 中文(香港)
zu    Zulu - isiZulu

Appendix-Timezone List

GMT-01:00 America/Scoresbysund
GMT-01:00 Atlantic/Azores
GMT-01:00 Atlantic/Cape_Verde
GMT-01:00 Etc/GMT+1
GMT-02:00 America/Noronha
GMT-02:00 Atlantic/South_Georgia
GMT-02:00 Etc/GMT+2
GMT-03:00 America/Araguaina
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Catamarca
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Jujuy
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/La_Rioja
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Mendoza
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Salta
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/San_Juan
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/San_Luis
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Tucuman
GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Ushuaia
GMT-03:00 America/Asuncion
GMT-03:00 America/Bahia
GMT-03:00 America/Belem
GMT-03:00 America/Cayenne
GMT-03:00 America/Fortaleza
GMT-03:00 America/Godthab
GMT-03:00 America/Maceio
GMT-03:00 America/Miquelon
GMT-03:00 America/Montevideo
GMT-03:00 America/Nuuk
GMT-03:00 America/Paramaribo
GMT-03:00 America/Punta_Arenas
GMT-03:00 America/Recife
GMT-03:00 America/Santarem
GMT-03:00 America/Santiago
GMT-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo
GMT-03:00 Antarctica/Palmer
GMT-03:00 Antarctica/Rothera
GMT-03:00 Atlantic/Stanley
GMT-03:00 Etc/GMT+3
GMT-03:30 America/St_Johns
GMT-04:00 America/Anguilla
GMT-04:00 America/Antigua
GMT-04:00 America/Aruba
GMT-04:00 America/Barbados
GMT-04:00 America/Blanc-Sablon
GMT-04:00 America/Boa_Vista
GMT-04:00 America/Campo_Grande
GMT-04:00 America/Caracas
GMT-04:00 America/Cuiaba
GMT-04:00 America/Curacao
GMT-04:00 America/Dominica
GMT-04:00 America/Glace_Bay
GMT-04:00 America/Goose_Bay
GMT-04:00 America/Grenada
GMT-04:00 America/Guadeloupe
GMT-04:00 America/Guyana
GMT-04:00 America/Halifax
GMT-04:00 America/Kralendijk
GMT-04:00 America/La_Paz
GMT-04:00 America/Lower_Princes
GMT-04:00 America/Manaus
GMT-04:00 America/Marigot
GMT-04:00 America/Martinique
GMT-04:00 America/Moncton
GMT-04:00 America/Montserrat
GMT-04:00 America/Port_of_Spain
GMT-04:00 America/Porto_Velho
GMT-04:00 America/Puerto_Rico
GMT-04:00 America/Santo_Domingo
GMT-04:00 America/St_Barthelemy
GMT-04:00 America/St_Kitts
GMT-04:00 America/St_Lucia
GMT-04:00 America/St_Thomas
GMT-04:00 America/St_Vincent
GMT-04:00 America/Thule
GMT-04:00 America/Tortola
GMT-04:00 Atlantic/Bermuda
GMT-04:00 Etc/GMT+4
GMT-05:00 America/Atikokan
GMT-05:00 America/Bogota
GMT-05:00 America/Cancun
GMT-05:00 America/Cayman
GMT-05:00 America/Detroit
GMT-05:00 America/Eirunepe
GMT-05:00 America/Grand_Turk
GMT-05:00 America/Guayaquil
GMT-05:00 America/Havana
GMT-05:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis
GMT-05:00 America/Indiana/Marengo
GMT-05:00 America/Indiana/Petersburg
GMT-05:00 America/Indiana/Vevay
GMT-05:00 America/Indiana/Vincennes
GMT-05:00 America/Indiana/Winamac
GMT-05:00 America/Indianapolis
GMT-05:00 America/Iqaluit
GMT-05:00 America/Jamaica
GMT-05:00 America/Kentucky/Louisville
GMT-05:00 America/Kentucky/Monticello
GMT-05:00 America/Lima
GMT-05:00 America/Montreal
GMT-05:00 America/Nassau
GMT-05:00 America/New_York
GMT-05:00 America/Nipigon
GMT-05:00 America/Panama
GMT-05:00 America/Pangnirtung
GMT-05:00 America/Port-au-Prince
GMT-05:00 America/Rio_Branco
GMT-05:00 America/Thunder_Bay
GMT-05:00 America/Toronto
GMT-05:00 EST
GMT-05:00 Etc/GMT+5
GMT-05:00 Pacific/Easter
GMT-06:00 America/Bahia_Banderas
GMT-06:00 America/Belize
GMT-06:00 America/Chicago
GMT-06:00 America/Costa_Rica
GMT-06:00 America/El_Salvador
GMT-06:00 America/Guatemala
GMT-06:00 America/Indiana/Knox
GMT-06:00 America/Indiana/Tell_City
GMT-06:00 America/Managua
GMT-06:00 America/Matamoros
GMT-06:00 America/Menominee
GMT-06:00 America/Merida
GMT-06:00 America/Mexico_City
GMT-06:00 America/Monterrey
GMT-06:00 America/North_Dakota/Beulah
GMT-06:00 America/North_Dakota/Center
GMT-06:00 America/North_Dakota/New_Salem
GMT-06:00 America/Rainy_River
GMT-06:00 America/Rankin_Inlet
GMT-06:00 America/Regina
GMT-06:00 America/Resolute
GMT-06:00 America/Swift_Current
GMT-06:00 America/Tegucigalpa
GMT-06:00 America/Winnipeg
GMT-06:00 Etc/GMT+6
GMT-06:00 Pacific/Galapagos
GMT-07:00 America/Boise
GMT-07:00 America/Cambridge_Bay
GMT-07:00 America/Chihuahua
GMT-07:00 America/Creston
GMT-07:00 America/Dawson
GMT-07:00 America/Dawson_Creek
GMT-07:00 America/Denver
GMT-07:00 America/Edmonton
GMT-07:00 America/Fort_Nelson
GMT-07:00 America/Hermosillo
GMT-07:00 America/Inuvik
GMT-07:00 America/Mazatlan
GMT-07:00 America/Ojinaga
GMT-07:00 America/Phoenix
GMT-07:00 America/Whitehorse
GMT-07:00 America/Yellowknife
GMT-07:00 Etc/GMT+7
GMT-07:00 MST
GMT-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
GMT-08:00 America/Tijuana
GMT-08:00 America/Vancouver
GMT-08:00 Etc/GMT+8
GMT-08:00 Pacific/Pitcairn
GMT-09:00 America/Anchorage
GMT-09:00 America/Juneau
GMT-09:00 America/Metlakatla
GMT-09:00 America/Nome
GMT-09:00 America/Sitka
GMT-09:00 America/Yakutat
GMT-09:00 Etc/GMT+9
GMT-09:00 Pacific/Gambier
GMT-09:30 Pacific/Marquesas
GMT-10:00 America/Adak
GMT-10:00 Etc/GMT+10
GMT-10:00 HST
GMT-10:00 Pacific/Honolulu
GMT-10:00 Pacific/Rarotonga
GMT-10:00 Pacific/Tahiti
GMT-11:00 Etc/GMT+11
GMT-11:00 Pacific/Midway
GMT-11:00 Pacific/Niue
GMT-11:00 Pacific/Pago_Pago
GMT-12:00 Etc/GMT+12
GMT+00:00 Africa/Abidjan
GMT+00:00 Africa/Accra
GMT+00:00 Africa/Bamako
GMT+00:00 Africa/Banjul
GMT+00:00 Africa/Bissau
GMT+00:00 Africa/Conakry
GMT+00:00 Africa/Dakar
GMT+00:00 Africa/Freetown
GMT+00:00 Africa/Lome
GMT+00:00 Africa/Monrovia
GMT+00:00 Africa/Nouakchott
GMT+00:00 Africa/Ouagadougou
GMT+00:00 Africa/Sao_Tome
GMT+00:00 America/Danmarkshavn
GMT+00:00 Antarctica/Troll
GMT+00:00 Atlantic/Canary
GMT+00:00 Atlantic/Faroe
GMT+00:00 Atlantic/Madeira
GMT+00:00 Atlantic/Reykjavik
GMT+00:00 Atlantic/St_Helena
GMT+00:00 Etc/GMT
GMT+00:00 Etc/GMT-0
GMT+00:00 Etc/GMT+0
GMT+00:00 Etc/GMT0
GMT+00:00 Etc/Greenwich
GMT+00:00 Etc/Universal
GMT+00:00 Etc/Zulu
GMT+00:00 Europe/Dublin
GMT+00:00 Europe/Guernsey
GMT+00:00 Europe/Isle_of_Man
GMT+00:00 Europe/Jersey
GMT+00:00 Europe/Lisbon
GMT+00:00 Europe/London
GMT+00:00 GMT
GMT+00:00 UTC
GMT+00:00 WET
GMT+01:00 Africa/Algiers
GMT+01:00 Africa/Bangui
GMT+01:00 Africa/Brazzaville
GMT+01:00 Africa/Casablanca
GMT+01:00 Africa/Ceuta
GMT+01:00 Africa/Douala
GMT+01:00 Africa/El_Aaiun
GMT+01:00 Africa/Kinshasa
GMT+01:00 Africa/Lagos
GMT+01:00 Africa/Libreville
GMT+01:00 Africa/Luanda
GMT+01:00 Africa/Malabo
GMT+01:00 Africa/Ndjamena
GMT+01:00 Africa/Niamey
GMT+01:00 Africa/Porto-Novo
GMT+01:00 Africa/Tunis
GMT+01:00 Arctic/Longyearbyen
GMT+01:00 CET
GMT+01:00 Etc/GMT-1
GMT+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
GMT+01:00 Europe/Andorra
GMT+01:00 Europe/Belgrade
GMT+01:00 Europe/Berlin
GMT+01:00 Europe/Bratislava
GMT+01:00 Europe/Brussels
GMT+01:00 Europe/Budapest
GMT+01:00 Europe/Busingen
GMT+01:00 Europe/Copenhagen
GMT+01:00 Europe/Gibraltar
GMT+01:00 Europe/Ljubljana
GMT+01:00 Europe/Luxembourg
GMT+01:00 Europe/Madrid
GMT+01:00 Europe/Malta
GMT+01:00 Europe/Monaco
GMT+01:00 Europe/Oslo
GMT+01:00 Europe/Paris
GMT+01:00 Europe/Podgorica
GMT+01:00 Europe/Prague
GMT+01:00 Europe/Rome
GMT+01:00 Europe/San_Marino
GMT+01:00 Europe/Sarajevo
GMT+01:00 Europe/Skopje
GMT+01:00 Europe/Stockholm
GMT+01:00 Europe/Tirane
GMT+01:00 Europe/Vaduz
GMT+01:00 Europe/Vatican
GMT+01:00 Europe/Vienna
GMT+01:00 Europe/Warsaw
GMT+01:00 Europe/Zagreb
GMT+01:00 Europe/Zurich
GMT+01:00 MET
GMT+02:00 Africa/Blantyre
GMT+02:00 Africa/Bujumbura
GMT+02:00 Africa/Cairo
GMT+02:00 Africa/Gaborone
GMT+02:00 Africa/Harare
GMT+02:00 Africa/Johannesburg
GMT+02:00 Africa/Khartoum
GMT+02:00 Africa/Kigali
GMT+02:00 Africa/Lubumbashi
GMT+02:00 Africa/Lusaka
GMT+02:00 Africa/Maputo
GMT+02:00 Africa/Maseru
GMT+02:00 Africa/Mbabane
GMT+02:00 Africa/Tripoli
GMT+02:00 Africa/Windhoek
GMT+02:00 Asia/Amman
GMT+02:00 Asia/Beirut
GMT+02:00 Asia/Damascus
GMT+02:00 Asia/Famagusta
GMT+02:00 Asia/Gaza
GMT+02:00 Asia/Hebron
GMT+02:00 Asia/Jerusalem
GMT+02:00 Asia/Nicosia
GMT+02:00 EET
GMT+02:00 Etc/GMT-2
GMT+02:00 Europe/Athens
GMT+02:00 Europe/Bucharest
GMT+02:00 Europe/Chisinau
GMT+02:00 Europe/Helsinki
GMT+02:00 Europe/Kaliningrad
GMT+02:00 Europe/Kiev
GMT+02:00 Europe/Mariehamn
GMT+02:00 Europe/Nicosia
GMT+02:00 Europe/Riga
GMT+02:00 Europe/Sofia
GMT+02:00 Europe/Tallinn
GMT+02:00 Europe/Uzhgorod
GMT+02:00 Europe/Vilnius
GMT+02:00 Europe/Zaporozhye
GMT+03:00 Africa/Addis_Ababa
GMT+03:00 Africa/Asmara
GMT+03:00 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam
GMT+03:00 Africa/Djibouti
GMT+03:00 Africa/Juba
GMT+03:00 Africa/Kampala
GMT+03:00 Africa/Mogadishu
GMT+03:00 Africa/Nairobi
GMT+03:00 Antarctica/Syowa
GMT+03:00 Asia/Aden
GMT+03:00 Asia/Baghdad
GMT+03:00 Asia/Bahrain
GMT+03:00 Asia/Istanbul
GMT+03:00 Asia/Kuwait
GMT+03:00 Asia/Qatar
GMT+03:00 Asia/Riyadh
GMT+03:00 Etc/GMT-3
GMT+03:00 Europe/Istanbul
GMT+03:00 Europe/Kirov
GMT+03:00 Europe/Minsk
GMT+03:00 Europe/Moscow
GMT+03:00 Europe/Simferopol
GMT+03:00 Indian/Antananarivo
GMT+03:00 Indian/Comoro
GMT+03:00 Indian/Mayotte
GMT+03:30 Asia/Tehran
GMT+04:00 Asia/Baku
GMT+04:00 Asia/Dubai
GMT+04:00 Asia/Muscat
GMT+04:00 Asia/Tbilisi
GMT+04:00 Asia/Yerevan
GMT+04:00 Etc/GMT-4
GMT+04:00 Europe/Astrakhan
GMT+04:00 Europe/Samara
GMT+04:00 Europe/Saratov
GMT+04:00 Europe/Ulyanovsk
GMT+04:00 Europe/Volgograd
GMT+04:00 Indian/Mahe
GMT+04:00 Indian/Mauritius
GMT+04:00 Indian/Reunion
GMT+04:30 Asia/Kabul
GMT+05:00 Antarctica/Mawson
GMT+05:00 Asia/Aqtau
GMT+05:00 Asia/Aqtobe
GMT+05:00 Asia/Ashgabat
GMT+05:00 Asia/Atyrau
GMT+05:00 Asia/Dushanbe
GMT+05:00 Asia/Karachi
GMT+05:00 Asia/Oral
GMT+05:00 Asia/Qyzylorda
GMT+05:00 Asia/Samarkand
GMT+05:00 Asia/Tashkent
GMT+05:00 Asia/Yekaterinburg
GMT+05:00 Etc/GMT-5
GMT+05:00 Indian/Kerguelen
GMT+05:00 Indian/Maldives
GMT+05:30 Asia/Calcutta
GMT+05:30 Asia/Colombo
GMT+05:30 Asia/Kolkata
GMT+05:45 Asia/Kathmandu
GMT+05:45 Asia/Katmandu
GMT+06:00 Antarctica/Vostok
GMT+06:00 Asia/Almaty
GMT+06:00 Asia/Bishkek
GMT+06:00 Asia/Dhaka
GMT+06:00 Asia/Omsk
GMT+06:00 Asia/Qostanay
GMT+06:00 Asia/Thimphu
GMT+06:00 Asia/Urumqi
GMT+06:00 Etc/GMT-6
GMT+06:00 Indian/Chagos
GMT+06:30 Asia/Yangon
GMT+06:30 Indian/Cocos
GMT+07:00 Antarctica/Davis
GMT+07:00 Asia/Bangkok
GMT+07:00 Asia/Barnaul
GMT+07:00 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
GMT+07:00 Asia/Hovd
GMT+07:00 Asia/Jakarta
GMT+07:00 Asia/Krasnoyarsk
GMT+07:00 Asia/Novokuznetsk
GMT+07:00 Asia/Novosibirsk
GMT+07:00 Asia/Phnom_Penh
GMT+07:00 Asia/Pontianak
GMT+07:00 Asia/Tomsk
GMT+07:00 Asia/Vientiane
GMT+07:00 Etc/GMT-7
GMT+07:00 Indian/Christmas
GMT+08:00 Asia/Brunei
GMT+08:00 Asia/Choibalsan
GMT+08:00 Asia/Hong_Kong
GMT+08:00 Asia/Irkutsk
GMT+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
GMT+08:00 Asia/Kuching
GMT+08:00 Asia/Macau
GMT+08:00 Asia/Makassar
GMT+08:00 Asia/Manila
GMT+08:00 Asia/Shanghai
GMT+08:00 Asia/Singapore
GMT+08:00 Asia/Taipei
GMT+08:00 Asia/Ulaanbaatar
GMT+08:00 Australia/Perth
GMT+08:00 Etc/GMT-8
GMT+08:45 Australia/Eucla
GMT+09:00 Asia/Chita
GMT+09:00 Asia/Dili
GMT+09:00 Asia/Jayapura
GMT+09:00 Asia/Khandyga
GMT+09:00 Asia/Pyongyang
GMT+09:00 Asia/Seoul
GMT+09:00 Asia/Tokyo
GMT+09:00 Asia/Yakutsk
GMT+09:00 Etc/GMT-9
GMT+09:00 Pacific/Palau
GMT+09:30 Australia/Darwin
GMT+10:00 Antarctica/DumontDUrville
GMT+10:00 Asia/Ust-Nera
GMT+10:00 Asia/Vladivostok
GMT+10:00 Australia/Brisbane
GMT+10:00 Australia/Lindeman
GMT+10:00 Etc/GMT-10
GMT+10:00 Pacific/Chuuk
GMT+10:00 Pacific/Guam
GMT+10:00 Pacific/Port_Moresby
GMT+10:00 Pacific/Saipan
GMT+10:30 Australia/Adelaide
GMT+10:30 Australia/Broken_Hill
GMT+11:00 Antarctica/Casey
GMT+11:00 Antarctica/Macquarie
GMT+11:00 Asia/Magadan
GMT+11:00 Asia/Sakhalin
GMT+11:00 Asia/Srednekolymsk
GMT+11:00 Australia/Currie
GMT+11:00 Australia/Hobart
GMT+11:00 Australia/Lord_Howe
GMT+11:00 Australia/Melbourne
GMT+11:00 Australia/Sydney
GMT+11:00 Etc/GMT-11
GMT+11:00 Pacific/Bougainville
GMT+11:00 Pacific/Efate
GMT+11:00 Pacific/Guadalcanal
GMT+11:00 Pacific/Kosrae
GMT+11:00 Pacific/Noumea
GMT+11:00 Pacific/Pohnpei
GMT+12:00 Asia/Anadyr
GMT+12:00 Asia/Kamchatka
GMT+12:00 Etc/GMT-12
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Fiji
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Funafuti
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Kwajalein
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Majuro
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Nauru
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Norfolk
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Tarawa
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Wake
GMT+12:00 Pacific/Wallis
GMT+13:00 Antarctica/McMurdo
GMT+13:00 Etc/GMT-13
GMT+13:00 Pacific/Auckland
GMT+13:00 Pacific/Enderbury
GMT+13:00 Pacific/Fakaofo
GMT+13:00 Pacific/Tongatapu
GMT+13:45 Pacific/Chatham
GMT+14:00 Etc/GMT-14
GMT+14:00 Pacific/Apia
GMT+14:00 Pacific/Kiritimati