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RoxyBrowser provides a project space feature that allows you to divide your work profile into different projects, invite team members to join the project, and assign corresponding permissions to achieve efficient team collaboration.
Click Project to create a new project for the current workspace. After the project is created, you can modify the project name, invite members, and delete the project. Create-Project
Pin Project: Click the pin mark in other operations, and the project will be pinned in the project management list on the left. All members can quickly enter by clicking the project name on the side. If the project is not pinned, you need to click Project Management, find the project in the list of all projects, and click to enter. Pin-Project
Invite: Enter the email address of the invitee and assign permissions, select the project and send the invitation.

Invite-to-Project Invited members can receive messages within the software and join the project. Invite-to-Project-2
Delete Project: You can choose to delete a project in the other operations in the project list. After deleting a project, all members of the project will be removed, and the project properties of the window will become the default project.
