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In addition to profile information, you can also modify other settings when creating a profile.

Basic Settings

If there is no special need, it is recommended to set the language, interface language, time zone, and geographic location to match based on IP.

Language: Set the language displayed when the browser browses the web.
Display language: Set the language of the browser itself, including the language of the address bar, menu bar, settings interface, right-click menu and other functional interfaces.
Time zone: Set the time zone
Location prompt: Set whether to allow the website to obtain the geographic location
Location: Set the geographic location
Sound: Set whether to mute the website audio and video playback
Image: Set whether to load the website images
Video: Set whether to load the website video
Window Size: Set the width and length of the window

Advanced Fingerprint Settings

#Advanced-Fingerprint-Settings Professional parameters such as resolution, font, WebRTC, Canvas, WebGL, etc. are also factors that affect the environmental fingerprint. The software will create the most suitable values ​​for you based on its own algorithm. If you have special needs, you can make corresponding settings. If there are no special needs, it is recommended to use the default settings to avoid modifying the settings and causing the fingerprint to be detected untrue.


RoxyBrowser provides a variety of personalized settings for profiles.

Profile Name: Select Open, and the set window name will be fixedly displayed at the URL position.
Synchronization settings: whether to keep the data added during the last browsing. For example, if you want to open a website without loading the webpage that was closed last time, please select Close the Sync Tab.
Cache settings: set whether to delete the previous cache data during this startup.
Pop-up password saving prompt: set whether to pop-up the browser to save the password pop-up window after submitting the account password.
Set stop opening conditions: the browser will stop starting under the corresponding conditions.


When creating a profile, you can save the profile as a template. The template will save all settings except User-Agent, proxy, platform account, and cookies. The next time you create a single profile or batch profiles, you can directly use the template, and the new profile will maintain the same settings, which is convenient for quickly creating new profiles with different settings.

#Set-Template When using a template to create a profile, if you choose to save the template, the current settings will overwrite the configuration of the original template. Templates can be quickly edited and deleted in the template selection box.


Batch Create

You can create multiple profiles at once by setting the number of profiles you want to create in the quantity input box. A maximum of 100 profiles can be created at a time. The profile name set here will be used as the profile name prefix. When adding proxies, please adjust the number of proxies at the same time. The selected proxies will be randomly assigned to each window. If the number of proxies is less than the number of profiles, the profiles without assigned proxies will use direct connection mode.

batch-create Batch creation does not support adding platform accounts. Other settings are the same as single creation.

Import Profile

The profile import function supports creating up to 500 profiles at a time. If you need to create more profiles, please import them in batches. Before using this function, please download the import template and fill in the relevant information according to the template requirements. The template supports filling in information such as profile name (required), account, cookie, proxy, user agent, and window size. After completing the filling, upload the document and the system will start to create the profile. The creation process may take some time. The creation results can be viewed through the system notification. Import-profile